Provide a networking forum for ISTAART members.
Offer members an opportunity to submit a Featured Research Session or Perspective Session proposal for the Alzheimer's Association International Conference® (AAIC®).
Allow members to share their latest discoveries and techniques.
Provide mentoring opportunities and career guidance to junior scientists and students.
Create up-to-date educational content for the wider dementia research and treatment community.
Promote collaboration on papers.
Award recognition for emerging impactful science.
PIAs work on a goal-oriented approach. Executive committee members meet online every 1 - 3 months to discuss progress and members meet in person at AAIC.
“ISTAART offers the chance for people just starting out in their careers to be able to network not only with their peers, but also with colleagues of all seniorities including leaders in the field. PIAs encourage junior and early career researchers to take leadership roles in their committees, an opportunity that’s been the kickstart to many careers.”
– Jonathan Schott, MD, FRCP, FAAN, University College London
How to create a new PIA
2. Fill out the new PIA application form below (a minimum of 4 lead applicants and 25 petition signatories are required for every new PIA proposal. Any non-ISTAART members listed on the application will be required to join ISTAART within 30 days of PIA approval).
3. Submit the application for the ISTAART Advisory Council's review by May 15th.
See the workflow for new PIA proposals.

Expand your network.
Join a PIA today.