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Biofluid Based Biomarkers & Neuropsychiatric Syndromes PIAs: Biofluid Based Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Syndromes - Prognostic Assessments Webinar 364
Biofluid biomarkers and neuropsychiatric symptoms may have prognostic properties in prodromal disease and dementia. This webinar aims to objectively assess the most recent and relevant scientific literature in the field. Moderators: Zahinoor Ismail, ...
Design and Data Analytics & Reserve, Resilience and Protective Factors PIAs: Characterization of SuperAgers in the Betula project 367
Using 25-year longitudinal data, we link a SuperAger level of performance at age 75-80 years to heterogeneity in these trajectories. We explore predictors of level (high, average) and change (stability, decline) in memory performance in aging. Moderator: ...
Diversity and Disparities & Partnering with Research Participants PIAs: Foundations of Partnering with Research Participants - Post-AAIC2024 Check-In 374
This interactive meeting brings together the organizers, speakers and attendees of the AAIC2024 preconference workshop called "Foundations of Partnering with Research Participants". Let's continue our learning journey and discuss your next steps, ...
Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA - Tiny Dots:  Locus Coeruleus in Alzheimer's Disease 387
We investigated locus coeruleus metabolic changes in Alzheimer’s disease in the context of AD pathology and cognitive impairment. These changes may precede neurodegeneration and provide insight into those at risk of cognitive decline. #NSSPIA
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 377
Hosted by Subjective Cognitive Decline PIA. Mark Dubbelman will review A network approach to subjective cognitive decline: Exploring multivariate relationships in neuropsychological test performance across Alzheimer's disease risk states (Cortex, ...
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 378
Hosted by Atypical Alzheimer's Disease PIA. Niels Reijner will review Atypical Alzheimer’s disease: new insights into an overlapping spectrum between the language and visual variants (Journal of Neurology, 2024) with a discussion led by Colin Groot with ...
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 375
Hosted by the Neuroimaging PIA. Xiao Yu will discuss Brain aging patterns in a large and diverse cohort of 49,482 individuals. David Cash leads a conversation with Junhao We n and Zhijian Yang . #NeuroImagingPIA
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 379
Hosted by Neurophysiology PIA. Burcu Bölükbaş will review Brain clocks capture diversity and disparities in aging and dementia across geographically diverse populations (nature medicine, 2024) with author Sebastian Moguilner . Raul Gonzalez Gomez will ...
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 380
Hosted by Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA. Andrea del Val will review Combined in vivo MRI assessment of locus coeruleus and nucleus basalis of Meynert integrity in amnestic Alzheimer's disease, suspected-LATE and frontotemporal dementia (Alz Res ...
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 381
Hosted by Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIA. Emma Rhodes will review Reliability and Validity of Smartphone Cognitive Testing for Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (JAMA Network, 2024) and will discuss with author Adam Staffaroni . Liset De ...
ISTAART Journal Club: Meet the Author 382
Hosted by the Neuropsychiatric Syndromes PIA. Jasper Crockford will review Sex Differences in the Severity and Progression of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms Across Different Dementia Types (Neurology Clinical Practice, 2024) with a discussion with author ...
Latin America and the Caribbean Consortium on Dementia: Brain and Aging Clocks and Their Risk Factors for Dementia in Latin America 386
Join our 90-minute webinar to explore how brain and aging clocks, along with innovative biomarkers, shed light on dementia, aging, and associated risk factors in Latin America. Moderators: Claudia Duran-Aniotz , Hernando Santamaris-Garcia Speakers: Michel ...