List of Events

Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIA: Tiny Dots - Subcortical Nuclei Integrity and White Matter 454
Neuromodulatory subcortical nuclei show early tauopathy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Dr. Wearn discusses links between their integrity and white matter microstructure, tau, and APOE4 status in older adults, revealing mechanisms of early AD pathology. ...
Neuroimaging and Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems PIAs: Multimodal MRI to Study the Neuromodulatory Subcortical Nuclei 466
This webinar covers recent findings and methodology aiming to better understand the role and structure of neuromodulatory subcortical nuclei in AD and neurodegenerative diseases. Moderators: Elouise Koops, Alexa Pichet Binette Speakers: Marta ...
Heath Policy PIA: Advancing Dementia Care Through Health Policy 467
Explore health policy innovations in dementia care, focusing on Medicare changes, Chile's National Dementia Plan and longevity studies in Mauritius. Gain insights into improving access and outcomes for aging populations. Moderator: Maria Mora Pinzon ...
Neuroimaging PIA: Ultra-High Field MRI in Neurodegenerative Diseases 462
The webinar will provide insights into how ultra-high resolution magnetic resonance imaging can be leveraged to identify subtle changes in the structure and function of brain regions vulnerable to neurodegenerative diseases. Moderators: Helena Gellersen, ...
Neuromodulatory Subcortical Systems: Tiny Dots -- LC and SN in AD Symptoms and Progression 463
Michael David will present longitudinal MRI data from a cohort of Alzheimer’s disease participants investigating the relationship of locus coeruleus and substantia nigra integrity with cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms as well as disease ...
Biofluid Based Biomarkers PIA - EV Work Group: EVs as Biomarkers for Disease 461
We will highlight the latest work of early career investigations on EVs in Precision Medicine and Disease, specifically related to miRNA as biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease and plasma neuronal and astrocyte EVs as biomarkers for Down Syndrome. Moderators: ...
Alliance of Women Alzheimer's Researchers (AWARE) PIA Neuroscience Mentoring Club 464
This program showcases neuroscientists across the field and strives to foster a culture of inclusion in dementia science. During each event, a researcher will give a presentation with a short Q&A session and breakout rooms for smaller discussions to ...
Neurophysiology PIA: Neuroscience Mentoring Club 465
This program showcases neuroscientists across the field and strives to foster a culture of inclusion in dementia science. During each event, a researcher will give a presentation with a short Q&A session and breakout rooms for smaller discussions to ...