Professional Interest Areas (PIAs)

This PIA was established in 2010.

Executive Committee

Chair: Jennifer R. Gatchel
Vice Chair: Sanjeev Kumar
Programs Chair: Catherine Munro
Communications Chair: Dylan Guan
Member-in-Training: Daniella Vellone
Steering Committee Member: Byron Creese
Steering Committee Member: Fabricio Oliveira
Steering Committee Member: Lindsey Sinclair
Immediate Past Co-Chair: Moyra Mortby

(Next election cycle: March 2026)





Neuropsychiatric Syndromes (NPS) in Neurodegenerative Disease is widely acknowledged as a major public-health priority area in the field of neurodegenerative disease. Experts are reminded of the universal prevalence of these symptoms in Alzheimer’s and related conditions, the significant added disability for patients and caregivers associated with NPS and the relative scarcity of effective treatments for NPS. The PIA will focus on defining clinical entities that will serve as targets for research and treatment development in later years. Sub-groups related to specific NPS in Alzheimer’s disease, targeting depression, agitation, apathy, psychosis and sleep disorder, will work to develop a series of next steps to meet the PIA’s overall objective. Additionally, subgroups will be encouraged to incorporate biomarkers and therapeutics as added foci in their groups. We will continue to aim to produce high impact publications that further advance our field, enhance our collaborations with other organizations that have a similar mission and identify funding opportunities as it related to NPS in AD and related dementias.