Professional Interest Areas (PIAs)

This PIA was established in 2020.

Executive Committee
Chair: Dietmar Thal
Vice Chair: Jessica Alber
Programs Chair: Maya Koronyo-Hamaoui
Communications Chair: Imre Lengyel
Junior Chair: Swetha Ravinchandran
Junior Chair: Frank Van der Heide
Steering Committee Member: Lies De Groef
Steering Committee Member: Zeynep Sahin
Immediate Past Chair: Robert Rissman

(Next election cycle: March 2026)




The eye is closely related and positioned to the brain and its neuronal tissue. As prior studies have shown, the retina is a potential source for development of a biomarker for AD, not only because it is embryologically derived from neuronal tissue, but also because it can be easily imaged non-invasively at the micro-meter level using different imaging modalities. In this manner, imaging of the eye has the potential to provide a more patient-friendly biomarker tool compared to the currently established biomarkers that are either costly (MRI/PET imaging) or invasive (CSF through lumbar puncture). Although the full potential of eye imaging is unknown at this state, research in this field is increasing and involves collaboration among disparate backgrounds of researchers (ophthalmology, neurology, pathology, technology etc.), and a platform to bring them together is needed. This PIA will enable the field to combine forces, as well as to develop a consensus on how to move forward in development of the eye as a biomarker for AD.